Hernia Camp in Chickballapur Karnataka
A free hernia camp was held under the auspices of Karnataka State Chapter of ASI in partnership with IMA Chickballapur and Surgical Society of Bangalore on 3 February 2020.
28 patients were screened by 6 surgeons and 3 anaesthetists at Ambedkar Bhavana and an inaugural function was held on the same day in the evening. It was attended by Dr Yogesh Gowda, DHO Chickaballapur, Dr Kalaivani V, President Surgical Society of Bengaluru and Dr HV Shivaram, GC member ASI.
Surgeries were done free of cost, including investigations, mesh, suture materials, drugs and disposables.
Dr Prashanth S.Murthy
Executive Committee member, Karnataka State Chapter of ASI &
President IMA Chickaballapur
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