About ASI India

The Association of Surgeons of India was established in 1938 to realise a long standing wish among the Indian surgeons to get together for the purpose of sharing each other’s experiences and enhancing their surgical skills.

“The Association of Surgeons of India was established in 1938 to realise a long standing wish among the Indian surgeons to get together for the purpose of sharing each other’s experiences and enhancing their surgical skills.”

Starting from a humble beginning with a membership of 112, we have grown to become the largest association of surgeons in the country with a membership that has already crossed a count of 35600 + and is ever increasing. We have 26 state chapters and several city branches covering 26 states and union territories. We have 12 specialty sections comprising of colo-rectal surgeons, endocrine surgeons, genito-urinary surgeons, minimal access surgeons, breast surgeons, thoracic and cardiovascular surgeons, oncology surgeons, trauma & critical care surgeons, rural surgeons and surgeons in the armed forces that focus on surgical excellence, education and training.

This association is dedicated to the noble cause of relieving mankind from pain and suffering through sincere and devoted service. The association strives to take the latest techniques in the surgical field even to the remotest parts of the country.

The motto of the organization is Vayam Sevaamahe : “We are for service”