The gender gap is closing fast but still I think it is fair to say that we do not have equality just yet, despite making good progress. Just as a family understands and supports the needs of women and allows them to grow, we believe that all our members get the required and requisite support. It has become even more important and pertinent because of the large number of lady surgeons in training across the country today. In my first address after taking over as President of ASI, I had taken a resolve to strengthen the entire family of ASI with the help senior lady surgeons who have achieved admirable distinction in their field.

It is a huge challenge for many lady surgeons/residents to maintain a quality work life balance in a predominantly patriarchal and male dominated society. Visible role models play a big part, not only in recruitment and retention of females in surgery but also in supporting them up their surgical careers. With this resolve etched in my mind and partnering with country lead for this venture, Prof. C K Durga, we have spoken to many lady surgeons in positions of authority across the country who have willingly accepted the role of mentors for younger lady surgeons and female residents.

The list of these respected lady mentors is appended herewith. Any female surgeon should feel free to contact mentors they are comfortable with across the nation with full confidentiality. It could be academics, harassment at work, career counselling or even help with burnout issues or just plain venting…..

Click Here to View Women Surgeon Mentors of ASI

Click Here to View Letter to National Commission of Women (NCW) for Joining hands with NCW in facilitating its vision and mission for sustained Equity of Women in Surgical Specialties

Long Live ASI !
Dr. Probal Neogi
President ASI 2024